Women's Health

Womens Health Check

This includes a full, comprehensive medical health check with the addition of female specific assessments, including bone health, hormones and menopause testing if required.

Home & Online Menopause Consultations

For women who want quick access to menopause advice or who prefer home consultations, we can offer comprehensive remote menopause service by video or phone.

This is followed by blood testing at your home or a site of your choice and may include optional provision of home health monitoring equipment (one off additional cost).  


*Some geographical limitations or costs may apply.

Menopause Specialist Consultations

Menopause symptoms can come on quickly and range from being mild through to hugely debilitating making living normal life nearly impossible.

Clinic 7 offers quicky accessible menopause consultations with recognised menopause specialists who will help you establish an effective treatment plan, including Hormone Replacement Therapy ( HRT ), when safe and appropriate to do so.

What are the symptoms of menopause?

Menopause symptoms can be wide ranging and include

  • hot flushes and sweats
  • irregular periods
  • muscle and joint aching
  • vaginal dryness
  • loss of sex drive
  • dry hair, nails and skin (due to collagen loss)
  • low mood, irritability and mood swings
  • weight gain
  • sleep problems

What are the treatments available for menopause?

Hormone Replacement Therapy ( HRT )  forms the mainstay of menopause treatments but some  women prefer or should not take it due to other medical risk factors. In this situation there are several other alternatives to help manage the symptoms of menopause effectively.

There are also a range of complimentary therapies promoted as being able to treat menopause symptoms and whilst some can be effective for specific symptoms there is often a lack of medical evidence on their effectiveness. Please discuss any treatments you would like to know more about in your consultation.